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A recent court ruling has mandated that a regional Victorian accounting firm, Mulcahy and Co, along with its director James Mulcahy and a company associated with him, pay more than $26 million in damages to former clients due to their exploitation of confidential information to capitalize on a business opportunity. The court decision highlighted a breach of trust and dishonest conduct by James Mulcahy, who was found to have masterminded the formation of the company to take advantage of the situation.

Despite the judgment, James Mulcahy’s firm plans to appeal the decision, expressing disappointment with the outcome. The clients, Timothy Porter and Christopher Conheady, shared their relief that the court acknowledged the betrayal they experienced, which led to them missing out on a significant business opportunity.

This case underscores the importance of upholding ethical standards and trust in business dealings, and serves as a cautionary tale for companies and individuals to prioritize transparency and integrity in their operations.


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Article Title: Accounting firm and second company ordered to pay $26m over confidential information
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