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In a shocking incident in Perth’s north, an elderly couple fell victim to a home invasion where men posing as police officers assaulted them. The 73-year-old woman suffered severe facial injuries, including bruising and swelling, while her 76-year-old partner was tied up during the attack. The perpetrators stole a significant amount of jewelry and other valuables before fleeing the scene.

The police responded promptly to the distressing incident, with the WA Police Commissioner describing the attack as “sickening.” A graphic photo of the woman’s injuries was released by the authorities to emphasize the severity of the crime and seek assistance from the public in identifying the suspects.

Detective Inspector Gary Butler highlighted that the men gained entry to the victims’ home by showing a fake badge, urging the public to be cautious and verify the identity of any officers visiting their homes. The perpetrators, described as having olive complexions and wearing dark clothing, are still at large. The police have recovered some of the stolen jewelry but continue to investigate the case.

Authorities have appealed to anyone with information or CCTV footage related to the incident to come forward and contact Crime Stoppers. The community is urged to remain vigilant and assist in bringing those responsible for this heinous crime to justice.


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Article Title: WA Police launch manhunt after thieves posed as police to enter Girrawheen home, assaulting occupants
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