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Queensland’s roadside cameras are expected to generate significantly less revenue than initially forecasted, with projections falling short by $186 million over three financial years. This decline is attributed to a reduction in the rate of offences caught on camera, indicating a positive shift in driver behavior.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has noted this trend but did not specify the exact reasons for the drop in projected revenue. However, it is clear that changing driver behavior has led to fewer infringements being issued, particularly for mobile phone and seatbelt-related offences.

The Camera Detected Offence Program (CDOP) has seen a consistent downward trend in the number of offences captured, reflecting a broader move towards safer driving practices among Queensland motorists. This positive development aligns with an evaluation by Monash University, which found that the camera program was associated with a reduction in casualty crashes. These findings highlight the dual benefits of the program: enhancing road safety and yielding significant annual savings for the community.

Despite the decrease in projected revenue, the roadside cameras remain a critical tool in improving road safety and reducing road accidents. The observed changes in driver behavior suggest that the presence of these cameras is effectively encouraging safer driving habits, ultimately contributing to fewer road-related casualties.

The reduction in offences and subsequent drop in revenue underscore the importance of continued investment in road safety initiatives. While the financial return may be lower, the societal benefits of reduced accidents and enhanced safety are invaluable.


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Article Title: Roadside camera program to make millions less for Queensland than earlier forecasts
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