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Justin Stein stands trial accused of the brutal murder of nine-year-old Charlise Mutten. According to the prosecution, Stein allegedly shot Charlise twice before disposing of her body in a plastic barrel near the Colo River. However, Stein refutes these charges, asserting that he witnessed Charlise’s mother, Ms. Mutten, shoot her daughter.

Throughout the trial, several witnesses, including Stein’s mother, have testified, providing crucial insights into the case. The prosecution claims that after purchasing drugs with Ms. Mutten, Stein proceeded to dispose of Charlise’s body.

The defense is set to present its case starting Monday, as the trial continues to unfold, aiming to challenge the prosecution’s narrative and establish Stein’s innocence.


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Article Title: Crown case closes in Justin Stein trial over alleged murder of schoolgirl Charlise Mutten, defence case begins Monday
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