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You don’t need us to tell you that being charged with a criminal offence has serious ramifications. Crucial to getting through it the best way you can is your choice of criminal lawyers.

At Australia Lawyers we can connect you to criminal lawyers with a proven track record.

Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers can help you in all matters of criminal law. All our criminal lawyers offer a free, no-obligation consultation.

Talk to one of our Melbourne Criminal Solicitors now.

How Law By Dan Can Help You Today

We Take Out All the Guesswork

If you’re trying to find the best Melbourne criminal lawyers it’s likely you head to an internet search engine or seek recommendations from friends. Through years of experience, we know that doing this doesn’t always work. There are multiple facets behind being an effective criminal lawyer, in particular strong expertise and experience.

Our Melbourne Lawyers are hand-picked. Each lawyer has both these qualities of extensive expertise and many years of experience in legal representation.

We Connect You to the Best Melbourne Criminal Lawyers Quickly

Criminal and traffic law matters require urgent legal advice. On many occasions, having your criminal lawyer involved early can not only settle your emotions but also ensure that any investigation conducted by the Victorian Police is done in line with relevant legislation.

Get Certainty About Legal Fees

At Law By Dan, we can assist you in all Legal Aid matters. If you’re not eligible for Legal Aid, our criminal lawyers can discuss with you a range of fee payment options.

Drug Charges

Charged with drug offences in Melbourne? If you have been charged with any type of drug offence, the consequences can be serious. If you have been charged with possession, trafficking, importation, cultivation and/or manufacturing methamphetamine, MDMA, cannabis, heroin or any other illicit drug, get legal advice immediately.

In Victoria, drug charges can straddle both State and Commonwealth legislation and the penalties can be significant. Talk with our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers today about how we can help you achieve the best results.

Traffic Charges

If you have been charged with drink or drug driving in Melbourne or surrounding areas, depending upon the severity of those charges you will not only lose your drivers licence but potentially be looking at a period of incarceration in the event that you have a history of similar offending.

Regardless of your charge, do not consider representing yourself. Our Melbourne Criminal and Traffic Lawyers are conversant with the nuances of particular Judges in different courts in Victoria. This knowledge alone can give your matter a significant advantage over people who self-represent. Notwithstanding this, you need to understand both the law and protocols involved in achieving good outcomes in criminal and traffic courts.

Sex Offences

You don’t need us to tell you that sex offence charges are very serious and more times than not carry with them a period of incarceration. These types of offences rely heavily upon evidence and for this reason, seeking help from our Melbourne Criminal Law Solicitors can ensure that any investigations, particularly search warrants by Victoria Police conform with relevant legislation.

Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers have both strong expertise and experience in these types of matters.

Domestic Violence

This broad category of offences includes stalking, breach of intervention orders and breach of intervention orders intending to cause harm or fear. These offences are very serious and typically can attract periods of imprisonment.

Additionally, family violence is defined by Section 5 of the Family Violence Protection Act and includes, physical, emotional, psychological and financial abuse among many other things.

If you have been charged with any domestic violence-related charges, speak to our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers today.

Assault Charges

In Victoria, assault offences are very broad with many attracting significant periods of custody. If you have been charged with one of the following offences, you need to contact our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers promptly.

  • Intentionally Causing Serious Injury;
  • Intentionally or Recklessly Causing Injury;
  • Recklessly Causing Serious Injury;
  • Causing Serious Injury Intentionally in circumstances of Gross Violence;
  • Causing Serious Injury Recklessly in Circumstances of Gross Violence;
  • Affray;
  • Common Assault (also called Unlawful Assault);
  • Armed Robbery;
  • Aggravated Burglary;
  • Murder and Manslaughter.

In mitigating these types of charges, the Court will consider a number of factors, including your age, whether you have a history of similar offences, the circumstances surrounding the offence and your role in the offending behaviour.

In these types of matters, it’s invariably the case that they can be coupled with other types of offences, increasing the severity of them.

Treat these charges as very serious and seek advice from only experienced criminal lawyers with strong, proven expertise. Our Melbourne Criminal Lawyers can talk with you today.

Other Criminal Charges

There are an array of other criminal and traffic charges that fall under relevant legislation in Victoria. If you have been charged or if you’re under investigation by either the Victoria Police or Federal Police, call our Melbourne Criminal Solicitors for a free, no-obligation consultation to find out where you stand.