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Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has introduced a new directive, Direction 110, which replaces the contentious Direction 99, to address the deportation of non-citizens with criminal histories, including those involved in family sexual violence, even if they have spent most of their lives in Australia. This update underscores a renewed emphasis on community safety as a paramount concern in visa decisions.

Direction 110 retains the previous focus on criminal histories and the individual’s ties to Australia, but it brings a notable shift in principles and language. The directive seeks to ensure that protecting the community is given greater importance and elevates the consideration of family violence in these decisions.

This new directive has sparked a mixed response from various groups. While some civil society and human rights organizations have expressed support for the heightened focus on community safety and family violence, others have criticized the changes, highlighting the ongoing debate over the balance between public safety and the rights of long-term residents.

Direction 110 marks a significant adjustment in Australia’s approach to handling deportation cases involving non-citizens with criminal backgrounds, reflecting a commitment to enhancing community protection while navigating the complexities of individual circumstances and connections to Australia.


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Article Title: Andrew Giles issues replacement to ‘direction 99’ which he says prioritises community safety
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