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South Australia is set to implement new laws aimed at addressing dog attacks and ensuring responsible puppy breeding practices. The proposed reforms, under the Dog and Cat Management Act, include stricter penalties for owners of dogs involved in serious attacks and improved regulations for breeders.

Owners whose dogs cause serious injury or death to a person or animal could face significantly higher fines of up to $25,000, a substantial increase from the current penalty of $2,500. Additionally, owners of attacking dogs that are already under dangerous dog orders may be subject to fines of up to $50,000.

The reforms also focus on enhancing regulations around puppy breeding, with the introduction of a licensing and assessment system for breeders. This system will involve criminal background checks for applicants and fines of up to $10,000 for breeding animals without a license. Female dogs will be limited to a maximum of five litters, and breeders must report each litter.

Moreover, retired racing greyhounds will no longer require muzzles under the new laws. The reforms aim to bring South Australia’s regulations in line with other states and ensure better dog management practices. Public consultation on these reforms is open until June 9th.


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Article Title: Tougher penalties for dog attacks in South Australia under proposed law reforms
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