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The New South Wales parliament is currently reviewing a bill aimed at curbing the use of legal tactics that delay justice for abuse survivors. The bill responds to concerns raised by survivors and advocates regarding the misuse of stay applications by institutions, including the Catholic Church, to prevent survivors’ cases from being heard in civil courts. These institutions have often cited the passage of time as a reason for seeking permanent stays on cases, effectively denying survivors their day in court.

The bill, spearheaded by Legalise Cannabis Party MLC Jeremy Buckingham, seeks to address this issue by limiting the grounds for permanent stays based solely on the passage of time and allowing cases since 2016 to be reconsidered. Survivor Matt Barker, who has experienced firsthand the impact of such legal tactics, has voiced his support for the legislation, emphasizing the need to ensure justice for victims of child sexual assault and remove barriers to seeking justice in civil courts.

While the government has expressed support for aligning laws with a high court ruling that discourages the misuse of stay applications, concrete action is yet to be taken to introduce the necessary legislative changes. The proposed bill reflects a growing recognition of the importance of expediting justice for survivors and preventing further delays through legal maneuvers.

In light of these developments, survivors of abuse in Australia are encouraged to seek support from various organizations dedicated to assisting individuals in similar situations. By addressing systemic barriers and advocating for legal reforms, the proposed bill signifies a step towards greater accountability and justice for survivors of abuse in New South Wales.


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Article Title: High court decision to limit Catholic church abuse legal tactics to become law under NSW proposal
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