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In South Australia, a significant step is being considered to address the growing worries about the impact of social media on the mental health of children. The proposal aims to ban children under the age of 14 from having social media accounts, with concerns about the negative effects of platforms like Instagram and TikTok on young people’s well-being at the forefront of this initiative.

The proposal, which has gained attention due to mounting evidence from experts linking social media use to mental health issues in children, highlights a growing need to protect young individuals from harmful online content. If implemented, children aged 14-15 may need parental consent to access social media, as part of efforts to ensure their online safety and well-being.

Enforcing such a ban poses challenges, as teenagers are adept at finding alternative means to access social media platforms. However, South Australia’s move reflects a global trend, with other regions like Utah and Florida in the US also implementing laws to restrict children’s access to social media. This underscores the importance of regulating online activities for children at a broader level, emphasizing the need to prioritize their safety and mental health in an increasingly digital world.


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Article Title: South Australia is pushing to ban social media access for children under 14, but how would a ban actually work?
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