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We Connect You to Best Lawyers for Free

At Law By Dan, we won’t charge you for the work we do in connecting you to a great lawyer.


We Connect You to Best Lawyers Quickly

It usually takes us less than 12 hours to have your matter assessed and connect you to a great lawyer.


Get Certainty About Legal Fees

Many of our lawyers provide each of their clients with innovative fee arrangements, including deferred and/or fixed fees.


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How Law By Dan Can Help You Today

We Connect You to Best Lawyers for Free

We do not charge you for all the work we do connect you to a great lawyer.

We Connect You to Best Lawyers Quickly

It usually takes us less than 12 hours to have your matter assessed and connected to a great lawyer.

Get Certainty About Your Legal Fees

Many of our business lawyers offer innovative fee arrangements, including deferred and/or fixed fees.

Buying a Business

Possibly one of the biggest decisions you will make, we can connect you with awesome structuring lawyers.

Selling a Business

Often a complex issue involving multiple facets. We can connect you to an experience business succession lawyer.

Business Planning

Don’t make a big mistake! Getting your legals right when you start a business is essential. We can help!


Lawyers with significant franchising experience can be hard to find. We can connect you with a franchising lawyer today!

Debt Recovery

Cash is the driver of a successful business. Not being paid can be catastrophic. Talk to our Debt Lawyers today.


We can help in all areas relating to employment, including agreements, as well as employee issues.