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A Sydney university student found himself at the center of a disturbing ordeal when false accusations linked him to a tragic stabbing rampage that claimed six lives at a local shopping center. Ben Cohen, an innocent individual, faced a barrage of online misinformation propagated by anti-semitic and pro-Kremlin accounts. These false claims, lacking any factual basis, quickly spread through social media, leading to a dangerous situation where Cohen’s safety was compromised.

Despite the lack of evidence, the online narrative gained traction, with numerous individuals and media outlets, including 7 News, amplifying the unfounded allegations. This reckless dissemination of misinformation had severe consequences, causing distress not only to Cohen but also to his family.

Fortunately, the truth eventually emerged when the New South Wales Police confirmed the real identity of the attacker as Joel Cauchi, a 40-year-old man from Queensland. The revelation brought clarity to the situation and highlighted the dangers of blindly accepting information without verification.

In the aftermath of this distressing incident, Cohen and his family are contemplating legal action against those responsible for spreading the false accusations. The impact of misinformation on their lives was significant, emphasizing the need for accountability in the dissemination of information, especially in today’s digital age where falsehoods can quickly spiral out of control.


Article Title: Benjamin Cohen was falsely accused of the Bondi Junction stabbings. Here’s how the lie spread around the world
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