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In a unanimous decision, the Townsville city council passed a vote of no-confidence against Mayor Troy Thompson, citing false claims about his military service. The motion calls for Thompson’s resignation and urges the council’s chief executive to recommend his suspension or dismissal by relevant authorities.

Mayor Thompson, who admitted to embellishing his military record, has issued a public apology. Despite his contrition, he is now under investigation by the state’s corruption watchdog.

The situation has garnered significant attention, with both Queensland Premier and the opposition leader calling for Thompson to step down, emphasizing the loss of confidence in his leadership. The council’s decision reflects a strong stance against the mayor’s actions, underscoring the importance of integrity in public office.

As the investigation by the corruption watchdog continues, further actions may be considered based on its findings. The council and the community are closely monitoring the developments, anticipating resolution and accountability.


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Article Title: Townsville councillors pass no-confidence motion in embattled mayor Troy Thompson
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