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The Northern Territory police have discovered remains believed to be those of a missing 12-year-old girl who was suspected to have been attacked by a crocodile near Palumpa. The tragic incident has left the family and community in deep distress.

The search for the girl, which included community members, police, a boat, and a helicopter, was launched immediately after she was reported missing. Despite the initial hopes of finding her alive, authorities had indicated early on that they were likely in the recovery stage.

The region where the incident occurred is notorious for its population of both saltwater and freshwater crocodiles, adding to the danger and urgency of the search operation. The family and the wider community are devastated by the loss, with responders also deeply affected by the outcome.

This heartbreaking event serves as a stark reminder of the risks posed by the natural environment in this area. The thoughts and prayers of the community are with the family during this incredibly difficult time.

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Article Title: Police find human remains believed to be 12-year-old girl missing after suspected NT crocodile attack
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