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In Melbourne’s northwest, unsettling incidents unfolded as cars were deliberately set on fire and driven into buildings in what authorities suspect were targeted attacks. The first case took place at a residence in Essendon, where two cars were ignited and then driven through the property fence, resulting in minor damage to the house. Fortunately, the occupants, a 47-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman, escaped unharmed. The scene depicted a burnt-out utility vehicle positioned against the house, with scorch marks visible on the bay window frame and doorway portico, alongside another burnt-out Honda 4WD in the driveway.

A similar occurrence transpired when another car was set ablaze and directed into a convenience store in Meadows Heights. Visuals from the scene showed a burnt-out Nissan with a tray located on the driveway, prompting police to label the incident as suspicious. Authorities are actively seeking information from the public regarding these incidents and urge anyone with relevant details to come forward by contacting Crime Stoppers or providing a confidential report online.


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Article Title: Cars set alight and driven into house, shop in Melbourne
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