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Liam David Cox, a former Channel Seven presenter, appeared in court facing charges of assault and choking after allegedly strangling a woman during a domestic violence incident in Sydney. The woman accused Cox of attempting to kill her, leading to his arrest.

Despite descriptions of the woman as the instigator of a heated argument, Cox’s lawyer asserted that he acted in self-defense and described the woman’s allegations as problematic. The court ultimately granted Cox bail under strict conditions. These conditions included surrendering his passport, reporting regularly to the police, and refraining from any contact with the woman.

The magistrate emphasized the gravity of the allegations and the severe consequences Cox would face if he violated the bail conditions, issuing a stern warning against any further involvement in domestic violence.

Cox, who has a 20-year career as a journalist with Channel Seven, Channel Ten, and Triple M radio, is scheduled to return to court next month as the case continues to unfold.


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Article Title: Ex-TV presenter ‘tried to kill’ woman in domestic violence spat, court hears
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