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Kathryn Hay, a former Tasmanian Labor MP, is facing court allegations of physical and emotional abuse towards her ex-partner, Troy Shane Richardson. The alleged abuse reportedly took place throughout their relationship, which spanned from 2009 to 2022.

During the court proceedings, specific incidents of abuse were detailed, including physical altercations and verbal abuse. Evidence presented included Facebook messages and a photograph showing Mr. Richardson with a black eye, purportedly resulting from one of the altercations.

Ms. Hay’s defense has refuted some of the accusations, challenging the accuracy of the evidence presented. The defense is actively cross-examining Mr. Richardson as the court hearings continue.

The proceedings are expected to last for three days, with additional witnesses set to testify. The outcome of this case remains to be seen as both parties present their arguments and evidence in court.


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Article Title: Hearing begins against former Tasmanian Labor MP Kathryn Hay, accused of emotional abuse and intimidation of ex-partner
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