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The trial of Sakina Muhammad Jan began in Melbourne, where she stands accused of pressuring her daughter, Ruqia Haidari, into marrying a man in Western Australia. Haidari, a 20-year-old who has since passed away, reportedly expressed her unwillingness to marry the man but was allegedly forced into the marriage through a hurried process. Prosecutors argue that Jan’s motive was to compel her daughter into the marriage against her wishes.

Throughout the trial, it has been revealed that Haidari confided in various individuals, including driving instructors, a teacher, and a counselor, expressing her reluctance to marry the man. She felt that her voice and future were being taken away in a rushed manner that left her unsettled. Despite her objections, Haidari was reportedly coerced into the marriage, with claims that Jan paid a dowry of $10,000 to the groom.

On the other hand, the defense staunchly denies the allegations of coercion and maintains that Haidari entered the marriage of her own free will and consent. According to defense barrister Andrew Buckland, Jan refutes the claims that her daughter did not want to marry the man and insists that the marriage was not orchestrated through coercion or deception.

As the trial unfolds, the court is faced with conflicting narratives surrounding the events leading up to Haidari’s marriage and subsequent passing. The prosecution emphasizes the rushed nature of the marriage process and the alleged pressure exerted by Jan, while the defense aims to dispel notions of coercion and preconceived ideas about arranged marriages. The trial continues as both sides present their arguments and evidence before the jury.


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Article Title: Victorian woman felt her voice was taken away before mother allegedly forced her to marry older man, court told
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