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Queensland is moving to implement stricter penalties for individuals driving dangerously, evading police, and causing death or grievous bodily harm on the roads. Under the proposed laws, drivers who engage in such behaviors could potentially face up to 20 years in prison. The legislation also includes an increase in the maximum penalty for dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing harm to 14 years. These changes are being introduced in response to tragic incidents that have occurred, with the new laws set to be named “Susan’s Law” in honor of those affected by reckless driving.

Premier Steven Miles emphasized that the legislation aims to target individuals who show a blatant disregard for police instructions and the safety of the community. The move is seen as a step towards deterring dangerous driving behaviors and ensuring accountability for those who cause harm on the roads. The proposed laws are expected to send a strong message to drivers about the serious consequences of their actions and reflect the government’s commitment to road safety and justice.


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Article Title: Dangerous drivers to face prison sentences of up to 20 years under ‘Susan’s Law’ in Queensland
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