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The closure of the Walangari Shelter in Broome, Western Australia, in 2021 due to asbestos issues has left a gap in support for intoxicated individuals in the region. This closure has been linked to a surge in alcohol-related offenses, highlighting the need for a new sobering-up facility in the area.

Efforts are currently ongoing to find a suitable location for the new Broome Sober-Up Shelter. In the interim, temporary arrangements have been made with the Milliya Rumurra Aboriginal Corporation, providing a stopgap solution for those in need. The search for a permanent home for the facility is a top priority for the WA government and the Mental Health Commission.

The focus is on establishing a facility close to the town center that meets the unique cultural needs of the community. Expanded support services are already in operation, including transport services to assist individuals in accessing the sobering-up center. Despite the delays, officials are committed to finding practical solutions to address the social issue of alcohol-fueled crimes and provide necessary support for vulnerable populations in Broome.


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Article Title: Broome’s wait for sobering-up centre continues as alcohol-fuelled crime and violence skyrockets
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