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Residents of Broome in Western Australia’s far north are increasingly alarmed by the rising number of discarded needles in public spaces. This escalating issue has sparked fears about the safety of children and the negative impact on the community’s image among tourists.

Local residents, including Dave Lindsay and Madonna Rae, have voiced their worries about the potential harm these needles pose to children playing in parks and other public areas. The presence of discarded needles not only threatens public safety but also detracts from the town’s appeal as a tourist destination.

The Broome Shire has acknowledged the severity of the problem and has indicated plans to advocate for the use of single-use retractable needles as a potential solution to mitigate risks. However, residents are urging for more immediate and comprehensive measures, such as the installation of safe needle disposal facilities and increased public awareness campaigns regarding the dangers of improper needle disposal.

Addressing this issue will require a concerted effort from health authorities, local governments, and community members. Collaborative strategies are essential to effectively tackle the problem and ensure public safety, maintaining Broome as a safe and welcoming environment for both residents and visitors.


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Article Title: Broome residents worried by discarded needles. WA Health calls for ‘collaboration’ to solve issue
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