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Michael Katsidis, an Olympic lightweight professional boxer, was released from jail after pleading guilty to drug trafficking offences. He was involved in a sophisticated cocaine syndicate, with his actions feeding the drug scourge in society. Katsidis was sentenced to four years and six months in prison, with a suspended sentence and conditions upon release.

Key Points:

  • Michael Katsidis, an Olympic boxer, was involved in drug trafficking offenses.
  • He played a role in a sophisticated cocaine syndicate, including monitoring distribution and cash handling.
  • Katsidis had a troubled past, influenced by his brother’s death and drug addiction.
  • He expressed deep regret for his actions and aimed to turn his life around by coaching and working positively with youth.
  • Katsidis was sentenced to four years and six months in prison, with a suspended sentence and strict release conditions.

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Article Title: Michael Katsidis, Olympic boxer and former interim world champion, pleads guilty to drug trafficking
Retrieved from ABC News