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A recent incident in southern Tasmania has sparked a legal battle surrounding a dispute between neighbors over a dog. The altercation, which took place in November 2020 in Middleton, involved a woman allegedly encouraging her late husband to attack their neighbor with a chainsaw.

The neighbor, Horace Monshing, defended himself during the confrontation by using a wooden croquet mallet. Despite his efforts, he sustained injuries to his right hand and forearm from the chainsaw attack.

The woman, Lisa Anne Perryman, has pleaded not guilty to charges of committing an unlawful act intended to cause bodily harm and assault. Her husband, Neville Perryman, who allegedly wielded the chainsaw during the incident, passed away before the case reached a jury.

The ongoing trial in the Supreme Court revolves around the events that unfolded as tensions escalated over the neighbor’s dog crossing onto Horace Monshing’s property. The court proceedings continue as the details of the incident are unraveled and justice is sought for the parties involved.


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Article Title: Alleged victim fought off chainsaw-wielding neighbour with croquet mallet after dog dispute, Tasmanian court hears
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